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job seeker tips

CFEC - Celebrating 30 Years of Impact

7 tips for job fair success

Job Fairs are an excellent way to meet, network, and interview with multiple recruiters in a short period of time. You can land jobs, enhance your search, and improve your interviewing skills face to face.
Job Seeker Tips

1. Prepare a "15-30 second commercial" about yourself

State your strong points, skills, experience, and/or education. This way you will feel more comfortable speaking with employers, when you arrive.

2. Update your resume and create printed versions for employers.

Bring 15 printed copies or more to the Fair. Register in advance for each job fair.

3. Dress your best!

We cannot stress this enough. Professional / business attire is expected by hiring employers. The job market is still very competitive, and it is important that you get your game on! First impressions and your preparation are keys to your success. Keep a positive attitude and concentrate on the benefits of the experience.

4. Indulge your curiosity
Meet with as many people as you can. Take your time and be patient. Plan to be there the whole time, so you do not feel rushed. Talk to all of the companies you can once you've seen the most important ones to you. You never know where opportunity lives. Hours for the job fair are noon until 4:00pm. Don't wait until the end, arrive with ample time to meet with recruiters.

5. Remember to follow up

Take notes. Submit applications, book interviews, send resumes after the job fair. Recruiters are still hiring job seekers from the job fair days after the job fair event is over - this is when employers are busy reviewing resumes, paper and online applications, making phone calls, and interviewing for a couple of weeks after the job fair has ended.

6. Use the exclusive Online Program Directory available for registered job candidates.

If you missed seeing any employers at the Fair, you can still access their information through our Online Program Directory.

Learn More About our Next Job Fair and Register Today!

7. Video for tips: How to prepare for a job fair video

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